Go Away!

I drove past a billboard today that was advertising a local radio station. The sign clearly read “If you don’t like it, go back to New York.” I rolled my eyes. I have seen it before, but today it just hit differently. I live in South Florida and recently we have been experiencing an influx…

Would I Do It Again?

Would I suggest we sell and move into an RV? It’s been just over 1 ½ years since we sold our 3-bedroom 2-bathroom home on 10 acres in the green swamp. Sometimes it feels like yesterday, and other times it feels like forever ago. Going from so much space to a 38-foot coach has certainly…

But, why?

Have you ever had that conversation with a five-year-old? You know, the one where you make a comment or statement and they ask “why?” You explain it they ask “why” again? You may continue to explain or you may get frustrated and brush it off. But no matter how many answers you give them, they…

Choose Love

As part of my 12-step program I have learned that most of my bad decisions have been the result of fear. I feel fear – so I react, fight or flight. I lash out or I shrink away. Even if the surface emotion is different when I look closely the core belief or emotion is…