Taste and See

Warm, inviting, just the right taste of cinnamon, the flavor of zucchini permeating the moistness of the bread, making it the perfect complement to a nice hot breakfast beverage. Then the over easy egg, the gooey yolk flowing across the plate and absorbing into the coffee cake. The firmness of the egg white, covered with…

Delegation vs. Bossiness

Delegation vs. Bossiness I was a very choleric child. (If you haven’t read Florence Littauer’s Personality Plus – it’s a must read!) I can remember playing dolls with my friends and telling them what their dolls needed to say to mine. We would play house and I would explain to them what they needed to…

Deeply Distracted

Have you ever been talking with someone, sharing something with them, and when you asked them a question, their answer seemed way off? Or maybe they were quick to say, could you repeat the question? I am not sure that I heard that right. Or perhaps they were honest and said, I’m sorry, I wasn’t…

Out of the Cupboard…

What do: * skin * hair * energy * popcorn * eggs * memory all have in common? Coconut oil! Yes, you heard me right, coconut oil. I will briefly share a little bit with you about my journey with coconut oil. But I also wanted to share that I found this blog: Coconut Oil:…

Growing Through Trauma

A few weeks ago, I experienced a traumatic incident. I can’t go in to detail, but the jest of it is that myself and a couple of my friends helped save a life. I gave CPR for the first time. Everything turned out fine, the individual is okay. I was not. I was traumatized. I…

Failing as a Parent

Parenting tip: Wrap up a few empty boxes and place them under the Christmas Tree. Warn the children that each time they misbehave you will throw one into the fire. Sounds like it may be pretty good logic to help encourage good behavior? Well, I have a friend that is quite a jokester – Victor…

Two Weeks Notice

I had never left a job the right way before. I always just quit showing up or kept calling out until they got the hint. This time I wanted to do it the right way. I turned in my two weeks’ notice and finished out the two weeks. I am so glad I did. My…

Trust Your Passions

I have spent most of my life trying to figure out what I am supposed to do with my life, questioning every decision I made. Trying to figure out if it’s God’s will for my life. Waiting for God to point me in a direction, any direction. Trying to figure out my purpose. While this…