
What an honor and privilege it is to see and hear how many lives God is affecting through our Conquer With Hope blog. Jorjia and I are both touched by how many of you follow us, comment, and even speak with us about how the things that we write touch you and encourage you.

I don’t believe either of us had any idea how much this blog would come to mean to us and to others. Nor did we fathom the growth that the Lord would lead us through with this.

You, our readers, have touched our hearts, have made us feel loved and important. We thank you.

Loyal followers like you may not realize how much of an impact that it makes on a blogger, but it really does. When we look at a blog we have written, and we see that it’s been read, sometimes liked, sometimes shared, sometimes commented upon – it gives us a feeling of satisfaction and belief.

Jorjia and I both knew that God called us to do this. We weren’t sure where it would lead, but we knew that He called us to more. Both of us are excited anticipating what else He will lead us to write and where else He will lead us to grow.

We love that you are on this journey with us, and that you take time to spend a few moments with us.

You matter. We love and appreciate you.

Always remember – we care about you!

If there is anything you would like to see more of, would like to know about us, or would like us to write about – please don’t hesitate to ask!

Also, we love praying for others and would be more than happy to join you in prayer if you have a need, feel free to shoot us an email with any prayer requests.

And remember, the best way for us to grow our numbers is when you like,

comment, share and of course get your friends following too.




Domo Arigato,

do jeh,

Danke sehr,

Thank you, AmyPHOTO-2018-09-17-20-55-21.jpg

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