Turning Back Time

In the year 2020, many begged for time to speed up, to get us in to 2021 and out of the craziness we were living in. It was as if we believed that if the calendar changed – so too would our circumstance. Funny, isn’t it? As if wishing time away could happen, and if…

But, why?

Have you ever had that conversation with a five-year-old? You know, the one where you make a comment or statement and they ask “why?” You explain it they ask “why” again? You may continue to explain or you may get frustrated and brush it off. But no matter how many answers you give them, they…

Pull Over!!!

As I begin to jot this down, I am practically in tears. Today has been one of those days. Perhaps you can relate. I had grand plans. I had my alarm set to have plenty of time to accomplish all that I needed and not be rushed or stressed. And yet…. here I am running…

To UBER Or Not….

Currently one of the hats that I wear is UBER Driver. Sometimes I do UBER Eats, occasionally I deliver a package, but mostly I give people rides. I have had people ask me if I am afraid to drive. They ask if I am afraid of strangers getting into my car. They ask why would…

Choose Love

As part of my 12-step program I have learned that most of my bad decisions have been the result of fear. I feel fear – so I react, fight or flight. I lash out or I shrink away. Even if the surface emotion is different when I look closely the core belief or emotion is…

Almost Scammed

It blew my mind that I almost got scammed. Not that I believe that I am better than others that have gotten scammed, actually it is more so that I doubt the ‘to good to be true’ so much that sometimes I know I miss opportunities. This time though, I did the research and while…