Today we live in such a high tech, face paced society where we feel this constant sense of urgency – everything needs our immediate attention, and everything must get done right now! I often catch myself feeling impatient as I wait 60 seconds for the microwave to heat something up!

It is so easy to get caught up in all the rushing around and to forget about yourself. What about you? When is the last time you did something for you? I start to show symptoms when I haven’t been taking time for myself. My symptoms are: extreme irritability, exhaustion, crabbiness and a feeling of being unable to fully engage in conversations. Sometimes I even get physically sick. When I hit that stage – I know that I have gone way too long without paying attention to my most valuable asset; me.

IMG_2645Taking care of yourself doesn’t have to take a lot of time; it can take just a few seconds if that’s all you have. You can do simple things for yourself – like positive self-talk or deep breathing.

Reading, yoga, exercise, journaling or meditating are all things that I like to do to take care of myself.

I battle feeling guilty when I take time for myself, I often feel like there are other things I should be taking care of that are more important – or rather, more urgent. Something that I have learned to do to combat this is to add self-care to my daily and weekly to do lists. This helps me to still feel productive while taking time for myself.

Forbes magazine says self-care is something that we should all engage in on a regular basis. It reduces stress, increases focus and helps us stay in good health.

There are great resources all over the internet for ideas and information on self care. Some things you can do are:

  1. At home spa day

Take a bubble bath, light some candles or put on some relaxing music and enjoy.


  1. Take a listening walk

Go on a 15-minute walk and be silent, just listen and observe the sounds around you.


  1. Start a journal

Take 10 or 15 minutes and just write down whatever is on your mind.


  1. Get some sun

Sit in the sun for a while – soak in the warmth and concentrate on your breathing. (use sunscreen when needed)


  1. Meditate

Take a little time to check in with your feelings, your body and your emotions.


Let’s all intentionally implement self-care into our daily routines! Here’s to a better world with happier, more focused, more productive people!

XO, Jorjia

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