In Need of a Reframe

In Need of a Reframe

I got all my notes together, my script and list to call. I dialed the first number and stared at the phone. Unable to make the call. Then, I made a call and immediately hung up. They called me back – I ignored the call. I couldn’t make myself answer. Terrified. Physically unable to do…

Vibe Check

Vibe Check

Hey! So – I have been hearing a lot about gratitude lately. I’ve been working to re-implement my habit of writing down the things I am grateful for every day. Gratitude lists are one of the first homework assignments that I received from my sponsor when I got sober. And it works! But, life gets…

Allowing Support

I have been learning from a lot of people lately. One of the people I have been learning from is Amanda Frances (xoamandafrances on all the social medias). Mom and I are taking her Money Mentality Makeover course right now. It’s incredible! But one of the things that I am learning how to do is…

As I was approaching my birthday this year, I was deep in thought on a few things. Part of me wants to be like “OMG, you are almost 30 years old!” But mostly, I am feeling grateful. Because as a friend of mine pointed out; if life was fair – I would be dead. I…

To UBER Or Not….

Currently one of the hats that I wear is UBER Driver. Sometimes I do UBER Eats, occasionally I deliver a package, but mostly I give people rides. I have had people ask me if I am afraid to drive. They ask if I am afraid of strangers getting into my car. They ask why would…