In Need of a Reframe

In Need of a Reframe

I got all my notes together, my script and list to call. I dialed the first number and stared at the phone. Unable to make the call. Then, I made a call and immediately hung up. They called me back – I ignored the call. I couldn’t make myself answer. Terrified. Physically unable to do…

Stop. Look. Listen.

Stop. Look. Listen. I believe all of us recall hearing this as a small child. As well as certainly telling our own children to stop, look, and listen. Most likely when you read the title and even began reading this blog you thought of crossing the road. I do not blame you at all. Because…

Make Your Move

Moving brings up so many emotions – excitement, stress, joy, sadness, maybe even some fear. For me, I tend to feel overwhelmed by all the things that need to be done and often wonder if it’s even possible – and if it is – where do I start!? So, I usually wait and do most…