A Time For Reflection

Coronavirus.  Covid-19.  2020 hasn’t started out the way that many of us expected.  I am not going to downplay the seriousness of it. I am not here to discuss it.  This post is actually to take advantage of the cards we currently have been dealt, to get you and I thinking in a positive way…

What’s Wrong With Me?

Ever heard the phrase – my tongue was in front of my eyeteeth so I couldn’t see what I was saying? I’ve heard it for years. It’s kind of a funny way of justifying when you misspoke yourself. So what would you say when you realize not that you’ve misspoken yourself but that you have…

We Dropped The Ball

Jorjia and I knew that beginning a blog would take a lot of work, but we also knew that there would be many great things about starting it. ⁃ One of the benefits of doing this blog as a mother daughter team is that neither of us would be doing it alone. ⁃ Another was…

What About Me!?

Today we live in such a high tech, face paced society where we feel this constant sense of urgency – everything needs our immediate attention, and everything must get done right now! I often catch myself feeling impatient as I wait 60 seconds for the microwave to heat something up! It is so easy to…

Personal Growth

For some it’s a hobby, for some it’s a profession and for still others it’s a matter which they choose to ignore – and probably many other things to many other people. However, I have learned recently that for me – its vital. Personal growth and development for me is something I have to do….