Just One More Drink

Getting that unexpected call during the night made my heart pound. I instantly began to wonder what was wrong. The voice on the other end of the line was sobbing uncontrollably. My chest tightened. “I’m so sorry mommy. I am so sorry. I can’t stop mom. I can’t.” My heart sank. Terror filled me. My…

Can’t Escape Love

I’ve always enjoyed driving. Sometimes I’ve favored some of my vehicles more than others. Actually I have even liked the same vehicle less or more depending upon the day and the current issue. I’ve really never got attached to a car. I hear about people that do and honestly I’ve sort of rolled my eyes…

Stop. Look. Listen.

Stop. Look. Listen. I believe all of us recall hearing this as a small child. As well as certainly telling our own children to stop, look, and listen. Most likely when you read the title and even began reading this blog you thought of crossing the road. I do not blame you at all. Because…

Delegation vs. Bossiness

Delegation vs. Bossiness I was a very choleric child. (If you haven’t read Florence Littauer’s Personality Plus – it’s a must read!) I can remember playing dolls with my friends and telling them what their dolls needed to say to mine. We would play house and I would explain to them what they needed to…


Today I feel like I am in the rapids in a boat. I am holding the paddle but I’m just bouncing and slamming against the rocks as I race down the river towards the unseen; not scared just anxious. I am wondering what is around the bend? Have you ever felt that way? Like your…

Make Your Move

Moving brings up so many emotions – excitement, stress, joy, sadness, maybe even some fear. For me, I tend to feel overwhelmed by all the things that need to be done and often wonder if it’s even possible – and if it is – where do I start!? So, I usually wait and do most…

Embracing Insanity

“You are driving all the way to Tampa after work? That’s a four hour drive! That’s crazy! Aren’t you going to be tired?” Those are the questions that I was asked all week as I told people of my plans for the week, and invited them to come with me. (Not to mention the looks…

How Did I Get Here!?

Have you ever felt that way? Ever look at yourself, your life, your family, your finances or your situation and wondered “How did it get to this point? What happened? How did I get here?” I know I have. Many times. Sometimes this is positive, other times its negative. Things happen slowly at first and…