Vibe Check

Vibe Check

Hey! So – I have been hearing a lot about gratitude lately. I’ve been working to re-implement my habit of writing down the things I am grateful for every day. Gratitude lists are one of the first homework assignments that I received from my sponsor when I got sober. And it works! But, life gets…

Allowing Support

I have been learning from a lot of people lately. One of the people I have been learning from is Amanda Frances (xoamandafrances on all the social medias). Mom and I are taking her Money Mentality Makeover course right now. It’s incredible! But one of the things that I am learning how to do is…

5 Year Plan

Five years ago today was September 7th, 2017. I was 23 years old. I had just moved out of a halfway house, I had almost 2 years sober. I was renting a room from another woman in sobriety and we were preparing for a hurricane. I was working in a diner as a hostess and…

Rewrite the Rules

Go to school. Get good grades. Sit down. Be a good girl. Do your job. Keep your head down. Don’t ask too many questions. Do as your told. Don’t question authority. Get a degree. Get a job with benefits. Marry a man who can take care of you.  But… What if I don’t fit that…

As I was approaching my birthday this year, I was deep in thought on a few things. Part of me wants to be like “OMG, you are almost 30 years old!” But mostly, I am feeling grateful. Because as a friend of mine pointed out; if life was fair – I would be dead. I…


“No one told me when I wear a mask, only my mask receives love. We gain admiration and respect from behind a mask. We can even intimidate. But as long as we are behind a mask, any mask, we will not be able to receive love.” (The Cure by John Lynch) I was going through…