Black Friday vs. Disney

There’s a little magic in the air today. Pixie Dust and imagination, you could say. Laughter, smiles and giggles too, In abundance bubbling out of my crew. Long lines to wait in anticipation, A chance to reminisce about vacation. Choices are many as options unfold, Shows and rides at Disney never get old! Dark and…

I Broke My ‘Feeler’!

For the past month or so I have been trying to do some soul searching. See, over the past few months I have tried to start reaching out socially in new areas (not new-new, but new since I got sober). Like dating. I guess I was expecting to find someone and fall in love, maybe…

Release The Knight!

Release The Knight!

Oh snap! Have I really managed to hold back my knight in shining armor? Have I subconsciously demeaned my champion by undermining his protection? OK, so it was recommended to me to read ‘Wild At Heart’ by John Eldredge. Now, I have to admit, the relationship books that I have read over the last few…

Are You Settling?

“It makes one wonder how many times we choose to remain in our desperation rather than allow it to drive us into the abundance that awaits us.” – Erwin McManus (The Last Arrow) I am scared to step out of my comfort zone, after all it is pretty comfy there! I know God has so…

Thanks for the Memories..

Facebook. Social Media. There are times that it’s such a distraction. It can be a time waster. And unfortunately there are people addicted to it. But today? Today, I appreciated the fact that Facebook does those ‘Your Memories on Facebook’. Here was what was on my news feed: “2:30 am – I awake to noises, get…

Funnies & Friends

Have you ever had a friend that helps you bust loose in uncontrollable laughter? That friend that helps you see the humor in some of the most mundane moments? That friend that no matter what you are doing you will stop to take their call because you know that you will be so blessed by…

Embracing Insanity

“You are driving all the way to Tampa after work? That’s a four hour drive! That’s crazy! Aren’t you going to be tired?” Those are the questions that I was asked all week as I told people of my plans for the week, and invited them to come with me. (Not to mention the looks…

No More Noose!

This morning I was awakened from a sound sleep by the ringing of my house phone. I answered the phone and  it took a second to connect; you know what that means… Usually telemarketer… It wasn’t even quite 8:30 in the morning! But when the voice connected on the other end, it was not a telemarketer. There was no sickeningly sweet…

Sincere Appreciation

“I have no right to say or do anything that diminishes a man in his own eyes. What matters is not what I think of him, but what he thinks of himself. Hurting a man and his dignity is a crime.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry “One of the most neglected virtues of our daily existence…