Perception is Reality

I was listening to the book “The One Thing” by Gary Keller on Audible and I heard this quote. It really stuck with me. “Be careful how you interpret the world, it is like that.” – Erich Heller It reminds me of some other quotes that I have heard like these: “If you change the…

Vibe Check

Vibe Check

Hey! So – I have been hearing a lot about gratitude lately. I’ve been working to re-implement my habit of writing down the things I am grateful for every day. Gratitude lists are one of the first homework assignments that I received from my sponsor when I got sober. And it works! But, life gets…

Thank You – Yes YOU!!

What an honor and privilege it is to see and hear how many lives God is affecting through our Conquer With Hope blog. Jorjia and I are both touched by how many of you follow us, comment, and even speak with us about how the things that we write touch you and encourage you. I…