
Today I feel like I am in the rapids in a boat. I am holding the paddle but I’m just bouncing and slamming against the rocks as I race down the river towards the unseen; not scared just anxious. I am wondering what is around the bend? Have you ever felt that way? Like your…

Roll With the Flow

Many of you have gotten to know my mom a bit in a couple of our previous blogs. Some of you have known her for years. No matter how long, you know how sweet that she is. You most likely also know how much she is struggling with her memory. Well, Sunday her life took…


Tomorrow I fly home. I absolutely love to travel. If I flew home on a Wednesday and someone said ‘hey, I have an extra ticket leaving Saturday for …., wanna go?’ I would say ‘yes!’ I even go to obscure places like Moline, IL and Des Moines, IA. But tomorrow, I fly home and leave…