
Hi! ❤️ We arrived in California yesterday. Mom and I just attended an incredible personal development event in Denver, CO. Have you ever heard the quote that we are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with? I really got to see the implications of that quote this past weekend. We…

Expecting Better

Tears running down her face, filled with frustration, and feeling absolutely discouraged, Melody stood in the customer service line. The vacation that she had worked so hard for seemed to be coming to a devastating halt. She couldn’t see a way to repair it.  She saw the lady pushing a walker toward her, with a…

Vibe Check

Vibe Check

Hey! So – I have been hearing a lot about gratitude lately. I’ve been working to re-implement my habit of writing down the things I am grateful for every day. Gratitude lists are one of the first homework assignments that I received from my sponsor when I got sober. And it works! But, life gets…

Allowing Support

I have been learning from a lot of people lately. One of the people I have been learning from is Amanda Frances (xoamandafrances on all the social medias). Mom and I are taking her Money Mentality Makeover course right now. It’s incredible! But one of the things that I am learning how to do is…

Rewrite the Rules

Go to school. Get good grades. Sit down. Be a good girl. Do your job. Keep your head down. Don’t ask too many questions. Do as your told. Don’t question authority. Get a degree. Get a job with benefits. Marry a man who can take care of you.  But… What if I don’t fit that…

As I was approaching my birthday this year, I was deep in thought on a few things. Part of me wants to be like “OMG, you are almost 30 years old!” But mostly, I am feeling grateful. Because as a friend of mine pointed out; if life was fair – I would be dead. I…