How to Mini-Vacation and Have Fun Without Tons of Money (a series, part 3 of 4)

Ok, great… but HOW?! Feeling a bit overwhelmed at taking a mini-vacation (possibly: for the first time | first time as a couple | first time as a family | first time alone | etc.)? Don’t worry, you aren’t alone. Honestly, just the thought of the work to be done to prepare and take this…

How to Mini-Vacation and Have Fun Without Tons of Money (a series, part 2 of 4)

“Ain’t nobody got time for that!” The phrase that really got thrown around back in 2012, thanks to Kimberly ‘Sweet Brown’ Wilkins still seems to ring true today. Yet, how often do we decide we don’t have time for something, without even looking to see what the benefits could be? You see, in some ways,…

How To Mini-Vacation and Have Fun Without Tons of Money (a series, part 1 of 4)

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho it’s off to work we go… Doesn’t it seem like that is all we ever do sometimes? Home to work, work to home and repeat? It’s funny, I remember when it was promoted that with the advance of technology, we would soon have more time to relax. Computers were going to make life…