
Hi! ❤️ We arrived in California yesterday. Mom and I just attended an incredible personal development event in Denver, CO. Have you ever heard the quote that we are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with? I really got to see the implications of that quote this past weekend. We…

Happy 4th Re-Birthday!

Today is Jorjia’s 4th anniversary for her sobriety. It’s kind of like it is her re-birthday. Her new life of sobriety started 4 years ago today.  I remember celebrating the daily, weekly and monthly victories; as she began this walk. 100 days which then led into 6 months, and finally that 1st year clean…

Embracing Insanity

“You are driving all the way to Tampa after work? That’s a four hour drive! That’s crazy! Aren’t you going to be tired?” Those are the questions that I was asked all week as I told people of my plans for the week, and invited them to come with me. (Not to mention the looks…

How Did I Get Here!?

Have you ever felt that way? Ever look at yourself, your life, your family, your finances or your situation and wondered “How did it get to this point? What happened? How did I get here?” I know I have. Many times. Sometimes this is positive, other times its negative. Things happen slowly at first and…