Almost Scammed

It blew my mind that I almost got scammed. Not that I believe that I am better than others that have gotten scammed, actually it is more so that I doubt the ‘to good to be true’ so much that sometimes I know I miss opportunities. This time though, I did the research and while…

Happy 4th Re-Birthday!

Today is Jorjia’s 4th anniversary for her sobriety. It’s kind of like it is her re-birthday. Her new life of sobriety started 4 years ago today.  I remember celebrating the daily, weekly and monthly victories; as she began this walk. 100 days which then led into 6 months, and finally that 1st year clean…

In God We Trust

I woke up this morning to read yet another “Thanks for your time, but we are not interested in hiring you” email.  I have been looking for a new job in a different field recently, and nothing seems to be coming through. It has never been this difficult for me to find work, so this…

Personal Growth

For some it’s a hobby, for some it’s a profession and for still others it’s a matter which they choose to ignore – and probably many other things to many other people. However, I have learned recently that for me – its vital. Personal growth and development for me is something I have to do….