What’s In a Name?

As humans, we name everything. Its how we relate to things. We get a new pet – we name it. We create or invent something – we name it. We give names to the things that we care about, innately we know how important that names are. So why is it that many of us…

Are You Settling?

“It makes one wonder how many times we choose to remain in our desperation rather than allow it to drive us into the abundance that awaits us.” – Erwin McManus (The Last Arrow) I am scared to step out of my comfort zone, after all it is pretty comfy there! I know God has so…

Thanks for the Memories..

Facebook. Social Media. There are times that it’s such a distraction. It can be a time waster. And unfortunately there are people addicted to it. But today? Today, I appreciated the fact that Facebook does those ‘Your Memories on Facebook’. Here was what was on my news feed: “2:30 am – I awake to noises, get…

No More Noose!

This morning I was awakened from a sound sleep by the ringing of my house phone. I answered the phone and  it took a second to connect; you know what that means… Usually telemarketer… It wasn’t even quite 8:30 in the morning! But when the voice connected on the other end, it was not a telemarketer. There was no sickeningly sweet…

Personal Growth

For some it’s a hobby, for some it’s a profession and for still others it’s a matter which they choose to ignore – and probably many other things to many other people. However, I have learned recently that for me – its vital. Personal growth and development for me is something I have to do….