An Out-of-Date Mindset

I recently had the opportunity to listen in on a conversation, that surprised me and saddened me. The talk was centered around financial decisions. It never got heated or even loud. It seemed that each of the other participants completely agreed, and the comments just continued to build upon the original statement that having loans…

No More Noose!

This morning I was awakened from a sound sleep by the ringing of my house phone. I answered the phone and  it took a second to connect; you know what that means… Usually telemarketer… It wasn’t even quite 8:30 in the morning! But when the voice connected on the other end, it was not a telemarketer. There was no sickeningly sweet…

How Did I Get Here!?

Have you ever felt that way? Ever look at yourself, your life, your family, your finances or your situation and wondered “How did it get to this point? What happened? How did I get here?” I know I have. Many times. Sometimes this is positive, other times its negative. Things happen slowly at first and…