As I was approaching my birthday this year, I was deep in thought on a few things. Part of me wants to be like “OMG, you are almost 30 years old!” But mostly, I am feeling grateful. Because as a friend of mine pointed out; if life was fair – I would be dead. I…

Happy 4th Re-Birthday!

Today is Jorjia’s 4th anniversary for her sobriety. It’s kind of like it is her re-birthday. Her new life of sobriety started 4 years ago today.  I remember celebrating the daily, weekly and monthly victories; as she began this walk. 100 days which then led into 6 months, and finally that 1st year clean…

Just One More Drink

Getting that unexpected call during the night made my heart pound. I instantly began to wonder what was wrong. The voice on the other end of the line was sobbing uncontrollably. My chest tightened. “I’m so sorry mommy. I am so sorry. I can’t stop mom. I can’t.” My heart sank. Terror filled me. My…

Stop. Look. Listen.

Stop. Look. Listen. I believe all of us recall hearing this as a small child. As well as certainly telling our own children to stop, look, and listen. Most likely when you read the title and even began reading this blog you thought of crossing the road. I do not blame you at all. Because…

Self Harm

Although I feel as though this is a topic that needs to be addressed, I do realize that this is on the internet and can be easily accessed by anyone. That being the case I will do my best not to be graphic or plant any negative thoughts in this post – I certainly do…

Dear God

Dear God, Today as I was reflecting on my life, I can see where you have always been there – fighting for me. It is amazing to think about the times that I was so angry with you, I thought I hated you. I thought you hated me. Why else would you have allowed these…

I Broke My ‘Feeler’!

For the past month or so I have been trying to do some soul searching. See, over the past few months I have tried to start reaching out socially in new areas (not new-new, but new since I got sober). Like dating. I guess I was expecting to find someone and fall in love, maybe…

How Did I Get Here!?

Have you ever felt that way? Ever look at yourself, your life, your family, your finances or your situation and wondered “How did it get to this point? What happened? How did I get here?” I know I have. Many times. Sometimes this is positive, other times its negative. Things happen slowly at first and…

Me, Scared? Nah.

If you had asked me before, if I was a fearful person – I would probably have laughed at you. Me? Scared? Absolutely not. Do you know who I am? The stuff I have been through? Please. I don’t trust people, but that’s about as close to fear as I get. I would have gotten…